Just Chilin'

He has shown you, O Man, what is good; And waht does the Lord require of you But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Graduations are always a bittersweet moment for the graduate. But for me, it is more of a time of reflection (which seems to be happing a lot lately).

My brother is graduating from Highschool, it seems so odd for me to think of him no longer in highschool. Or even more odd for me to think back to when i was graduating from highschool. To think of all the emotions that i had, the excitment, the tears, the laughters, just everything. But while i'm thinking about my past, and thinking about my brother I can't but look up toward the heavens in aww and wonder. My brother and I are so different, in everything. It just points back to the majesty of God. I thank God that he made us different, to see how Steven interest are not always what i may find fun. and the same for him. But neverless, I love him so much and am so proud to be his sister.

It seems lately the questions on everyones mind is what does my 5 year plan look like. Truthfully, I really don't know. God keeps changing it. When i first started school, I wanted to open my open bakery. But God has changed my mind on that one. And He keeps redirecting my paths. and they always seem to lead back to me falling on my face in aww and wonder of God. He is amazing. i took the job i am at now, to satisfy my school intership program. But had wanted to stay there for long term. But God has changed that, I got a job working at the Church. I will be working in the commons once it opens. I am very excited about this new change in my life. It will be better paid and I get to put my servant heart to use in serving the people of East Valley Bible Church. I am excited to see where God takes me in the next year. To look back to see how much I have grown, and to see how much God has changed my life, and my 5 year plans again.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


For the past 9 months told myself, i will not date. And I didn't. i was going to school and didn't want the distraction of having a boyfriend. Not to say, that durning that time, I have been asked out by a couple different guys and have been almost set up by someone in my class. After saying no to everyone, and really finding out what I want in a guy, God has shown me him.

Yes, that is right. He does exist. This guy has shown interest in me back in Feb. but I said no, cause of school. but that didn't seem to stop him from liking me. He has been very patient with me in getting done with school- God has really opened my eyes to really see him for who this guy really is. He is amazing guy, very godly, and very fun to be around.... the list goes on but for the sake of borning you with details i will keep it short.

As of right now, we are just friends who are taking it slow. (which in my case, is not an easy thing to do... but I want to take it slow. For I really don't want to mess anything up with this guy.

This is all i have for right now, but I will write more if there is more to come... stay tuned