Just Chilin'

He has shown you, O Man, what is good; And waht does the Lord require of you But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Amazing God we serve

I must confess, for the past week I have been starting to get really stress. I have only 5 more weeks left of school. But with that comes big project and trying to find an externship job as well. My mind lately has been focus on school and thinking about the cakes i need to be making, and trying to find the time to work on the extnership. But it all came to a hult last night at chuch

Tom was talking in John. John 14 to be exact. This was the verse that hit me
John 14:1
Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me.

Ok, so here sits this small little girl, with what seems to be the world on her mind. And the God of the universe is telling me to not let my heart be troubled. That hit me so hard, and I that night I gave everything over.

Now, I wish i can sit here and tell you that today was amazing. But it was not, I need to be on a daily basis, no, more like a mintue basis giving my day over to God. I know he can handle it far better then I can.

So instead of me stressing out over this birthday cake that i need to be working on, and trying to find the time to work on my extnership. I need to give it to God, for He knows the outcome of my cakes, and he knows the place I will be working at.

Wow, i feel better all ready. TO GOD BE THE GLORY

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Plays, Musicals Oh My

That is right, tonight I was in the company of a great family (not my own, however- but neverless still a great family). They invited me to see a musical, I greatly said yes. It was so good. I think, I will go see much more plays and musicals. The problem now lies to find a friend to go with me.

Oh, just a side note. Sometimes, knowing people is what it is all about. I sat right behind Joe Johnson who is opening up another sandwich place- just across from Joe's. But in this place they will have a bakery. Joe has heard that I'm a "soon-to-be" pastry chef and was very interest in me and working there. I just need to keep praying about this and know God has my furture planned out for me. I have so many different places and option, not only is one working with Joe but also possibly working at the Church.... just praying for now. Night all