Just Chilin'

He has shown you, O Man, what is good; And waht does the Lord require of you But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Marriage Anyone?

It is so sad to see what the world thinks marrage is, or what it is not. People get married for all the wrong reasons. It makes me sick to hear this. One of the girls in my class at school, is married and is not in love with her husband. The only reason they got married is cause she got pregnant. She doesn't love her husband, nor does she respect him. How can this be? How did they wind up in this place? Why does she not love him, or respect him? Why doesn't he respect her, or help her out? The answer is simply. They didn't build the marriage on Christ.
Christ HAS to be the center of your marriage in order for it to work. God says that you must be married to one husband, and to one wife. And the wife eyes are to ONLY be for her husband, and for the husband, his eyes should ONLY be for his wife. But not with this girl in my class. She is hanging out wiht her ex, and everything. She says she is a Christian, and goes to Church every Sunday. How can this be? How can you call yourself a Christain, and not have a love for your husband? They need to go back and re-read this amazing book... called the Bible. In it God tells us how we should live, and how the marriage should wrok. With out God in the middle of it, it woun't work.

I can not wait to get married. I pray that not only my dating relationship with my whom ever I date, would be an Godly example, but mostly I pray that my marriage would not only be Christ centered and Christ fullfilled, but it would be an example to everyone that is around me. I hope and pray that right now, while I am single. People see Christ in me, and see that I don't need a boyfriend to make me happy. I know that I am FAR from perfect, and there are so many times in one day that I screw up, but that is why God mercies are new everyday. That is what gets me out of bed, knowing I am living for a King. A King who is calling me His Daughter. That blows my mind. That He would look down on someone like me, and say This is my Daughter, in whom I am pleased.

As I close this blog for the night, I want to let my future husband know...
Darling, did you know that I
I dream about you
waiting for the look in your eyes
when we meet for the first time
Darling, did you know that I
I pray about you
Praying that you will hold on
Keeping your loving eyes only for me

I am waiting for
praying for you, darling
Wait for me too
Wait for me as I wait for you
I am waiting for
Praying for you, darling
wait for me too
Wait for me as I wait for you
Darling, wait

Darling, did you know I dream about life together
Knowing it will beforever
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
And darling, when I say
till death do us part
I'll mean it with all my heart
Now and always, faithful to you

I am waiting for
Praying for you darling
Wait for me too
Wait for me as I wait for you
I am waiting for
Praying for , darling
wait for me too
Wait for me as I wait for you

Now I know you may have made mistakes
But there's forgiveness and a second chance
So wait for me darling
wait for me
wait for me

I am waiting for
Praying for you, darlin
wait for me too
wait for me as I wait for you
I am waiting for
Praying for you,
wait for me too
Wait for meas I wait for you
Darling wait

Rebecca St. James- Wait for me


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